a curated range of premium

NZ Made products

We partner with New Zealand producers to share their natural food, medicines and products with a global audience.

Our Products

We've handpicked suppliers from the top to the bottom of New Zealand that consistently product a range of high quality products and are experienced with global export. Here are just a few of the products we send internationally.

Mānuka Honey

Made in NZ and available in a range of UMG/MGO grades. Ready for retail or buy in bulk.

Cheese & Dairy

Puhoi blue cheese has been winning awards for a few years now. 


From pinot noir to sunny sauvignon blanc. Experience the flavours of NZ wine.

Beef & Lamb

Renowned in restaurants around the globe. Get michellin star flavours direct from the supplier.
"Laborum non non ut ex. Duis irure proident reprehenderit ad est amet officia aute tempor aliquip ipsum laboris. Eiusmod exercitation proident ea sint laboris nulla voluptate magna."
Jane Doe
Technical Manager

What they say

"Laborum non non ut ex. Duis irure proident reprehenderit ad est amet officia aute tempor aliquip ipsum laboris. Eiusmod exercitation proident ea sint laboris nulla voluptate magna."
Jane Doe
Technical Manager
"Qui aliquip velit id non exercitation nisi ipsum enim sunt deserunt nulla sint proident est dolor. Laborum tempor labore ut. Qui duis sit sit cupidatat."
Jack Doe
Vice President
"Sunt duis commodo aliqua duis laboris exercitation do pariatur. Magna sunt commodo nulla Lorem elit pariatur aliqua ipsum labore nostrud esse tempor culpa dolor nostrud. Amet sit sint sunt."
John Doe
"Esse esse officia Lorem exercitation ea. Dolor veniam velit proident magna. Ut irure fugiat adipisicing occaecat Lorem dolor."
Jess Doe
Marketing Specialist

Read what we have to say.

Some of the things might be clever...